Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bummer of a Blog

So far, my blog's a bit of a bummer. My first post pointed out some of my inadequacies, and my second post pointed out some more of my inadequacies. Sorry. (I'd write funny things, like Lesley, if I were adequate.)

However, I've discovered why it's for the best! I just read a Time article, "Misery Has More Company Than You Think, Especially on Facebook." Apparently, posts detailing the happy parts of people's lives can make their readers feel worse in comparison. Ergo, maybe being a Debbie Downer provides a beneficial effect! 

You're welcome. :)

Other things that are actually for the best:

1. Getting a terrible score on my GRE writing test. This brings me back to what I should be doing anyway, while saving me money.

2. The indescribable stink suddenly emanating from my darling little Shih-Tzu. I don't know what happened, but it's surely for the best. It's helping me establish a healthy distance from her, before the special bonding experience of trying to give her a doggy bath.

3. Numerous tree limbs snapped off from heavy snow, surrounding the house. The chopping, stacking and hauling will be good, because we need some exercise. 

4. The embarrassing pimple that's erupted amid my wrinkles. It's a good reminder that I'm not really old yet. (Old is always 10 years older than me, so that my husband is forever old and I'm forever not.)

5. All the really horrible things going on in the world. No, there's nothing that makes them for the best, but they do give us the obligation to keep our little problems in perspective.


  1. It's nice to here Monica. Following you from Lesley's blog.

  2. I can relate to that article from Time. Had a day last week when everyone's happy posts made me feel like crap. I think you're completely AMAZING!! And I know God has something great for you coming. He just has to close the wrong doors so you'll be able to go through the right ones.

  3. Hmm... that's a good way to think about those pimples. I feel younger already!

  4. Hi Ellie -- Thanks for coming over, and I'm sorry for your loss. Your blog is so poignant.

    Jess -- Thanks and you may be right!

    Lily -- Leave it to me to rationalize all the signs of aging. By the way, becoming farsighted is good because we look smart, in that adorable way of course, in reading glasses... ;)
